

Functional Fitness


We’ve got Kroc rows on our program for today. It’s essentially a row with a little extra body english to increase the intensity. If you’re unfamiliar, just google it. For the work capacity piece, choose weights that will be challenging for you. It’s not really an “AMRAP” in the traditional sense, go for about a 80% intensity and flow through the movements.

A/B mandatory. Pick one from C/D/E.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. DB/KB Kroc row 4x20
A1. DB pull over 4x15

B. Accessory

B1. BB floor press 4x8
B1. Single arm DB push press 4x12
B1. I/Y/T 4x8

C. Conditioning

30 min AAB for max cals
1:00 on/1:00 off

D. Work Capacity


1k Row
200' KB farmer walk
20 DB man maker

E. Gymnastics

10 EMOM, alternating (5 rounds)
15 C2BPU
75 DU


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Cronus Fit