Functional Fitness
Hope everyone’s feeling refreshed after our mini-deload week last week. We’re back to our regular hypertrophy programming. We’ve got 4 more weeks of hypertrophy and then we’ll move into the next mesocycle of tempo and positional work. Nothing new or crazy on the program for today, just work. Get after it
A/B mandatory. Pick one from C/D/E.
A. Hypertrophy
A1. BB Back squat 5x12
A1. Single leg RDL 5x10 ea leg
B. Accessory
B1. BB backrack forward lunge 3x12
B1. Reverse hyper 3x15
B2. Bird dog 3x10 ea side (2 sec squeeze on extension)
B2. Banded air squats 3x20
C. Conditioning
Row/ski 7500m
D. Work Capacity
32 min E8MOM (4 rounds)
Alternating KB Snatch (70/53)
Rest remainder
E. Gymnastics
Accumulate 50 strict HSPU
Every 2:00, including 0:00, Row 250/200m
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman