Functional Fitness
For the interval piece, you’ll be doing a 200m run into AMRAP of DB box step over’s.
A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.
A. Strength
Deadlift 1x5@ 75%, 2x3@85%, 1x1+@95%
B. Accessory
Strict C2BPU 3x10
BB bent over row 3x10
Banded hip thrust 3x20
C. Conditioning
20 min E2MOM
16/12 cal AAB
D. Metcon
For time
1500m row
50 wall ball (20/14)
20 deadlifts (135/95)
750m row
50 wall ball
20 deadlifts (225/155)
E. Interval
For time
50 DB box step over (50/35 over 24/20)
2:30 work, rest 1:00 between
200m run
AMRAP box step overs
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman