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Functional Fitness

Hump day. Get after today’s training and enjoy the active recovery day tomorrow.

A/B mandatory. Pick one from C/D/E. 


A. Oly

A1. Touch and go squat snatch 5x4
A1. Box jump 5x5

B. Accessory

B1. Snatch grip behind the neck push press 4x6
B1. Landmine cauldron 4x10 ea direction
B2. Single leg RDL 4x10
B2. Knee banded air squats 4x20

C. Conditioning

30 E2MOM (15 rounds, alternating)

20 cal AAB
KB Complex (5 KB hang clean and press each side, 5 windmills, 10 goblet squats)

D. Work Capacity

5 rounds, not for time

100 double unders
20 DB Snatch (70/50)
20 box jump over (30/24)

E. Gymnastics

5 rounds, not for time (goal is unbroken)

5-8 T2B
5-8 pull-up
5-8 C2BPU
5-8 bar MU


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman