

Functional Fitness


Hump day, homies. Time to pay the man. The strength piece is actually a conditioning piece as well. It is going to be very painful if you do it truly Tabata style. Again, don’t neglect aerobic monostructural work.

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses and time.


A. Strength

Tabata FS (8 rounds 20s on/10s off) @ ~25-30%

Rest with bar in front rack position

B. Metcon


25 WB (30/20)
15 C2BPU
75 DU

C. Interval

4x3 AMRAP, rest 1:30

1-2-3... Reset each interval

Ring MU, squat clean (225/165)

D. Aerobic Capacity

Run 4x1 mile, rest 4:00

Repeatable times

E. Accessory

BB Good morning 3x10

HSW 3x25'

L-sit pullup 3x8


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Cronus Fit