

Functional Fitness


Hope everyone is enjoying the extra conditioning work that we’re doing in this open cycle. There’s nothing super complicated - all the movements are fairly basic. We’re just working on getting comfortable cycling the movements without spiking heart rates and hitting failure.

A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.


A. Oly

Snatch 5x3 (drop and reset each rep)

Start at ~80% and work up to heavy triple

B. Metcon

3-6-9...18-21 (18 min cap)

WB (20/14), pull-up

50 DU between sets (3 WB, 3 PU, 50 DU, 6 WB, 6 PU, 50 DU….)

C. Interval

20 AMRAP, rest 1:00 between rounds

25 air squat, 25 box jump over (24/20), run 200m

D. Work Capacity

Row 2x1k, rest 2:00 between
4x500m, rest 1:00 between
8x250m, rest 0:30 between

E. Gymnastics Accessory

12 EMOM, alternating

20 pistols, 10 C2BPU


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Cronus Fit