Functional Fitness
Happy Saturday. If you’re re-testing 19.1, feel free to hit these pieces following. Otherwise, today’s a normal training day. Enjoy the day off tomorrow.
Choose between A/B. C/D mandatory.
A. Strength
Deadlift 3x5@75-80%
B. Strength
Jerk from back rackWork up to heavy single
C. Metcon
40 min E2MOM (5 sets, alternating)
25 cal AAB
10 Burpee box jump over (24/20), 15 WB (20/14)
30 cal row
60 DU, 15 T2B
D. Accessory
Weighted ring dips 3x10
DB Hammer curl 3x15
Zercher carry 3x50'
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman