Functional Fitness
Assault 19.3 today. If you’re feeling ok after finishing, feel free to hit the other pieces. Otherwise, here are some thoughts and pointers for 19.3 strategy.
The goal of this workout is ultimately to get as many strict HSPU as possible
Aggressive pacing on the overhead lunge and box step ups. Destroy your legs to maximize your HSPU time.
Put the DB on your shoulder so you don’t have to expend any shoulder energy while stepping up.
Break early and often on strict HSPU. Slow and steady on pacing with frequent rests.
Don’t rest between reps in the “up” position. You’re just building up more lactic acid. If you need a break, just come down.
If you’re able to make it to the HSW, just get after it.
A mandatory. B/C/D optional.
A. 19
For time:
200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge (50/35)
50 dumbbell box step-ups (50/35, 24/20”)
50 strict handstand push-ups
200-ft. handstand walk
10 min time cap
B. Strength
Front squat 4x4 @ 80%
C. Work Capacity
AAB 5x4 AMRAP cal, rest 2:00
D. Gymnastics accessory
21 EMOM, alternating
2 weight vest rope climb (20/14)
4 ring MU
20 pistols
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman