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Functional Fitness


Assault 19.3 today. If you’re feeling ok after finishing, feel free to hit the other pieces. Otherwise, here are some thoughts and pointers for 19.3 strategy.

  • The goal of this workout is ultimately to get as many strict HSPU as possible

  • Aggressive pacing on the overhead lunge and box step ups. Destroy your legs to maximize your HSPU time.

  • Put the DB on your shoulder so you don’t have to expend any shoulder energy while stepping up.

  • Break early and often on strict HSPU. Slow and steady on pacing with frequent rests.

  • Don’t rest between reps in the “up” position. You’re just building up more lactic acid. If you need a break, just come down.

  • If you’re able to make it to the HSW, just get after it.

A mandatory. B/C/D optional.


A. 19

For time:
200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge (50/35)
50 dumbbell box step-ups (50/35, 24/20”)
50 strict handstand push-ups
200-ft. handstand walk

10 min time cap

B. Strength

Front squat 4x4 @ 80%

C. Work Capacity

AAB 5x4 AMRAP cal, rest 2:00

D. Gymnastics accessory

21 EMOM, alternating

2 weight vest rope climb (20/14)
4 ring MU
20 pistols


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman