Functional Fitness
Enjoy today’s Saturday Suck Fest. Pacing is going to be the key for today’s session. Get after training today and enjoy your day off tomorrow, Make sure you are spending it with those you care about.
A. Strength
OHP 5x10@63%
B. Accessory
Bench 4x8 @ 65%
BB curl 4x12
Strict ring dip 4x12
C. Saturday Suck Fest
On a running clock
0-10:00 - 30 DL (275/195)
10-20:00 - Row 2k
20-30:00 - 30 C+J (185/125)
30-40:00 - Run 1 mile
40-50:00 - 30 power snatch (135/95)
50-UTC - 30 muscle ups
D. Odd object
5 rounds, rest as needed between sets (nore more than 2 min)
Sled push 5x100m, AHAP
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman