

Functional Fitness


Hump day. Get after today’s work and enjoy the active rest day tomorrow. The volume is only going to increase from here, so make sure you are focusing on your recovery as much as you are training.

A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.


A. Strength

DL 4x10@60%

B. Accessory

Single arm landmine row 4x10

Bottom up KB Press 4x10 ea arm

Bent over BB row 4x10

Banded palloff press 4x20 ea side

C. Conditioning

Row/ski 3x2k, rest 3:00

D. Metcon

25 min E5MOM (5 rounds)

Run 400m
25 KB swing (53/35)
20 KB C+J (10R/10L)
15 KB goblet squat
10 KB Snatch (5R/5L)

E. Gymnastics

8 AMRAP with a partner (one person working at a time)

Strict HSPU, work/rest as needed


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Cronus Fit