Functional Fitness
Grab a buddy for today’s workout (or more). It’ll be a nice long grinder. Split up the reps however you want, but keep the intensity up.
A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.
A. Strength
OHP 6x12@65%
B. Accessory
DB single arm bench 4x10 ea arm
DB curl 4x10
Close grip bench 4x10
C. Saturday Suck Fest
With a partner
Run 800m
150 deadlift (225/125)
Run 800m
150 bar facing burpees
Run 800m
150 hang power clean (135/95)
Run 800m
150 WB (20/14)
Run 800m
D. Odd object
Yoke carry 5x100' AHAP
Rest as needed (no more than 2:00)
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman