Functional Fitness
Happy Friday. Get after today’s training and wrap up this week’s mini-deload. There’s nothing crazy on the program today, just some work. Enjoy the weekend.
A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.
A. Oly
Power clean 5x3@70%
B. Accessory
Push jerk 5x3@65%
Bottom up KB press 4x12
Unsupported single arm row 4x10
Plank hold 4x60s
C. Conditioning
Row 3 rounds of (750-500-250)
Rest 1 min between efforts, rest 4 min between sets.
D. Metcon
12 min AMRAP
Climb the ladder
3-6-9... shoulder to overhead (155/105)
20/15 cal row
E. Gymnastics
5 rounds, rest 1:00 between rounds
Run 400m, AMRAP strict HSPU
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman