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Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Get after today’s training and enjoy the weekend. We’ll have our standard Saturday Suck Fest tomorrow with a return to our normal programming next week. We’ll be starting a tempo/positional mesocycle similar to what we ran last year. Enjoy this deload week and get ready to hit it hard next week.


A. Oly

Squat clean + power jerk 5x3 @ 70%

B. Metcon

20 min AMRAP

20 T2B
20 hang power clean (95/65)
20 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
20 DB Snatch (50/35)

C. Accessory

Tempo pullup (3333) 4x5

BB Z-press 4x10

I/Y/T 4x10

Weighted plank hold 4x30s


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman