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Functional Fitness


Today’s Suck Fest comes from our very own @Babyblazeee. It’s the very definition of what we’re trying to instill with our Saturday sessions. It’s all about enduring the suck and not quitting because in this case, quitting actually makes it harder, just like life. If you guys have any other suggestions for Saturday Suck Fests, feel free to send them in and we can incorporate them into our weekly programming.


A. Strength

Tempo OHP (X331) 5x3 @ 72.5%

B. Saturday Suck Fest

For time:

2 mile Double KB/DB Farmer's Carry (35/20)

Every time you set down, run to start and back

C. Strongman

Overhead yoke carry 5x50' AHAP

D. Accessory

DB bench 3x10

Poundstone curl

Close grip push up 3x20


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman