

Functional Fitness


Pretty much normal and self explanatory training today. For the metcon today, we’ve got a big chipper, but the question is how do you strategize the workout - unbroken touch and go? conservative sets? singles? The barbell is relatively light for all movements, but it will be very difficult to do them all unbroken. Take this opportunity to figure out what works best for you.

On the conditioning piece, go hard on your first 200m but understand that the first 200 will set your pace for the remainder of the intervals, but don’t sandbag yourself. We’re trying to train consistency and pacing. Make sure you are running outside so that you are running purely based on feel.

A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.


A. Oly

3 Pos hang SN (hi hang, knees, low hang) 5x2 @ 72.5%

B. Metcon

For time:

30 power clean + jerk (135/95)
30/24 cal row
30 thruster (115/75)
30/24 cal row
30 power snatch (95/65)

C. Accessory

Pendlay Row 3x8

BB back rack reverse lunge 3x10 ea leg

Banded face pull 3x20

D. Conditioning

20 min E2MOM (10 rounds)

Run 200m

Consistent pacing - for every second over/under the first 200, do X burpees as punishment (if you finish a run 8 seconds slow, you’re punished 8 burpees)

E. Gymnastics

Max set of strict HSPU

Then 5 sets of 50% of that max set of strict HSPU

Rest 1:00 between sets


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Cronus Fit