Functional Fitness
Our accessory work this cycle is mainly oriented around high rep prehab work in order to counter some of the repetitive movements that we keep hitting in this cycle. As a result, don’t neglect the accessory work. It’ll help keep your joints and body feeling better and more resilient.
A/B/C mandatory. D optional.
A. Strength
Push press 4x5
Building sets. Start ~60%
B. Accessory
Pendlay row 3x20
Hip circle air squats 3x20
Banded good morning 3x20
Hip bridge 3x20
C. Metcon
For time (15 min cap)
30 sandbag over shoulder (150/100)
400m run
30 C2BPU
400m run
30 strict HSPU
Rest 5:00
For time (15 min cap)
40 deadlift (225/165)
500m row
40 T2B
500m row
40 hand release push ups
D. Gymnastics
15 min handstand walk practice
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman