Functional Fitness
Hump Day. Hopefully you guys are all getting used to the shift in programming style. There is an increased volume, but not as high intensity. Our main focus is to get more efficient at certain movements and get more comfortable strategizing workouts and understanding our limits. Use today’s workouts to figure out how to pace large sets and how to manage fatigue to maximize bar MU’s.
A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.
A. Strength
Thruster - work up to heavy max triple for day (at least 4 working sets)
B. Accessory
Banded pallof press 3x10
DB Z-press 3x10
Band face pull 3x20
C. Metcon
For time: (12 min cap)
50 OHS (75/55)
100 DU
50 hang power snatch (75/55)
100 DU
50 bar facing burpees
D. Metcon
20 min E4MOM (5 rounds)
25 wallball (20/14)
15 deadlift (225/165)
10 bar muscle up
Rest remainder
E. Work Capacity
Row 4x5 AMRAP max cals
Rest 2:00
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman