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27 OCT

Ranger v8 W7D2

On today’s running intervals, your 1000m intervals your pace should be faster than your RPFT goal pace by around :15-:30 and then catch your breath on the walk. If you find it difficult to do sets of 12 straight pull ups, complete as many pull ups as you can, then break up the remaining sets into manacle, smaller numbers (regardless, you must do 48 total, get there).

Heavy BB Row 4x5
Pull Up 4x12
Lateral Raise 4x10
Upright Row 4x10

4RFT - 20m Sled Push + 20x DU + 10x TTB + 10x Power Clean #185

10min Warm Up Run, then 3x1000m repeats at your two-mile pace + 200m Recovery Walk