Ranger V5 W7D3
Warm Up:
1-Mile Run
Still not going anywhere with this one.
Circuit 1 – 3 Rounds of 50 Reps
Metronome Push Ups
Unassisted Sit Ups
Circuit 2 – 3 Rounds of 10 Reps
Front Raise (Use ruck or Platecarrier if you don’t have access to DBs or Barbell)
Shrugs w/flex hold for 4sec at top
Circuit 3 – 3 Rounds of 10 Reps
Incline Push Up x2 (as if you haven’t been to mountain phase)
Skull Crusher
10x Wall Ball Squat Clean (or Ruck) + 10x Burpee High Jump (Choose a target 8” above your outstretched hands)