Ranger V7 W1D1

This program get all of us back to the gym. While many of us are without gyms on the civilian side of the house, many units are back at it with equipment being limited, so we need to get back to prepping for schools and selection. That being said, some of these movements can be replicated with household equipment or motor pull equipment.

The purpose of the Ranger v7 program is muscular endurance and really expanding upon the cardio improvements from quarantine. Given the limited access to weights, we will start with a higher volume program for lifting, and we understand the soreness will return more quickly than before - that’s good. We’ll flush all that out with running each day. Can’t stress enough, how important it is to invest in recovery. Stretch after you run, look at getting a foam roller or cheap massager to get your legs and muscles back to lifting shape. BeSomebody!

Deadlift 5x10

5 Rounds for Time: 600m Run + 10x Chest to bar + 10x Wall Ball + 10x Power Clean #135

2-Mile Recovery Run

Cronus Fit