Rylanor W1D4
Warm Up:
4x 4AMRAP, :2min Rest
1. Burpee Over Bar + Power Clean #135 Ladder
2. DB Thruster #40 x 8 + TTB x 8
3. Row 10cal + Sandbag Clean #100 (stone if you have it) x2
4. 20m Shuttle Sprint + 2x Rope Climb 15”
Ruck: 4-Mile #60
Rylanor W1D4
Warm Up:
4x 4AMRAP, :2min Rest
1. Burpee Over Bar + Power Clean #135 Ladder
2. DB Thruster #40 x 8 + TTB x 8
3. Row 10cal + Sandbag Clean #100 (stone if you have it) x2
4. 20m Shuttle Sprint + 2x Rope Climb 15”
Ruck: 4-Mile #60