Warm Up: 21-15-9 Air Squat + Push Up + Slam Ball & 500m Row
METCON 1: 2-Mile Run
METCON 2: 10 RFT - 10x Clean and Jerk #135 + Burpee Over Bar
METCON 3: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 GHDSU + Wall Ball
Warm Up: 21-15-9 Air Squat + Push Up + Slam Ball & 500m Row
METCON 1: 2-Mile Run
METCON 2: 10 RFT - 10x Clean and Jerk #135 + Burpee Over Bar
METCON 3: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 GHDSU + Wall Ball