Coaching Testimonials

Cody’s Testimonial

"The greatest value James [cronusfit] brought to me and my overall health is that nutrition doesn't have to be complicated if you're fueling your body with enough food. James is by far the most experienced nutrition coach I've worked with and is also an exceptional strength coach. His methods are backed by science and research. he holds his clients accountable while also being understanding of their specific needs at the same time. "

- Cody B.

John’s Testimonial

“The most valuable things that I learned from James [Cronusfit] are the strategies for maintaining a caloric deficit. In the past, I would only manage to stay in a deficit for a couple of weeks. The processes and accountability helped me maintain a cut much longer and achieve my goals. By losing weight slowly, I experienced little to no loss of strength and bettered my conditioning. I plan to continue to use this service to further increase my performance.”

- John L.

Alex’s Testimonial

“CronusFit was a huge help in assisting me with my diet and training plans. The results speak for themselves and I'm floored by James' guidance to make it all so sustainable long-term. I feel like I would've failed my diet as a whole if it weren't for CronusFit.”

- Alex D.

Banks’ Testimonial

Our client Banks stayed the same weight in 10 weeks but is significantly leaner while running faster and lifting more than before.

Be like banks.

James’ Testimonial

“I have a more structured and smart way of training/eating. This has enabled me to be more consistent than I’ve ever been compared to other programs. This service has truly surpassed my expectations with the results I’ve had and easy-to-follow programming has been great.”

- James k.

Nick’s Testimonial

"James taught me how to build a relationship between diet and exercise. The greatest value was not just the weight loss and the increase of performance in the gym, but the overall healthy relationship between diet and exercise. in the long run it is about longevity and sustainability. I no longer stress about stepping on a scale and seeing my weight fluctuate upwards by 1 or 2 pounds and starve myself the next day to hit a lower number on the scale." 

- Nick w.

Sam’s Testimonial

“I learned a lot and James [cronusfit] always had practical ideas for staying on course despite what life throws at us. I learned how to eat better and understand why. I was able to dispel several exercise / dieting myths. He left me with all of the tools I needed to succeed. I still use his methods to continue to progress.

He taught me how important eating a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, and tracking macros can be, and I quickly got into the best shape of my life. Whenever I slip, I go back to the basics of what he taught me. No amount of training will get the desired results without the other components of health. Thanks, James!”

- Sam b.

Joseph’s Testimonial

“Although I’ve been active and in a “fitness” community for over 15 years, I lacked consistent guidance and bounced around from program to program which led to incredibly slow results. Coach James [CronusFit] keeps me focused on those items that will make the most impact. 

The macros approach and allowing me to choose my own foods within the limits of the program provides mental stability helping me stick to goals consistently over long periods.”

- Joseph K.

Mike’s Testimonial

mike and cronusfit are just getting started. Stay tuned for the update at the end of 2024.

Luis’ Testimonial

"I can't thank James and the rest of the cronus fit team enough. The results speak for themselves. I have been able to meet my goals and maintain for months now. The approach taken from the team not only produces results but builds and solidifies lifelong habits to allow you to maintain these goals. I appreciate the hardwork and the time put in from the cronusfit team, you guys do amazing work."

- luis P.

John’s Testimonial

“I’m super happy and thankful to be a Cronusfit client. it’s changed my life for the better to not be able to touch heavy weights. I never thought I’d be lifting 300+ pounds and I’m happy to stick around long-term.”

- John R.

Lucas’ Testimonial

luke and Cronusfit are just getting started for his ranger school prep. Stay tuned for the updated results.

Eric’s Testimonial

“James and the Cronusfit crew have done a great job in educating me and providing accountability toward my nutrition plan. I feel much more confident in how to make solid daily choices that will allow me to maintain a good body composition as part of my normal work schedule.

James is very patient with my questions regarding the methodology of his program. By granting me insight into his decision-making process, I have gained valuable knowledge in nutrition and training.”

- Eric g.

Ian’s Testimonial