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Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Get after it with the homies. Everything is relatively self explanatory. Hit us up if you have any questions.

A/D/E mandatory. Choose B or C based on weaknesses and time.


A. Oly

Clean + Jerk 7x2 @ 70-72.5%

B. Oly

Clean pull 5x3 @ 125%

C. Interval

5 RFT, rest 1:00

Run 400m, 15 OHS (95/65)

Wearing 20/14# Vest

D. Conditioning

Row/ski 4x2k, rest 3:00

E. Accessory

Banded face pull 3x20

DB/KB Bulgarian split squat 3x12 ea leg

BB reverse lunge 3x10 ea leg

SA Overhead DB/KB squat 3x12 ea arm


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman