

Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Lots of work today ranging from a common benchmark to work capacity intervals. We've done 3x1mile repeats in the past, so hopefully you're seeing some improvements. For the gymnastics AMRAP, we are focusing on our grip and core strength through pull-up and T2B. You must do it all unbroken on the bar for it to count


A. Strength

DL 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%


B. Strength

OHP 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%


C. Metcon

Double DT, rest 4:00 between DT's

5 RFT, 12 DL, 9 HPC, 6 PJ (155/105)


D. Gymnastics

5 AMRAP, rest 2:00, 5 AMRAP

AMRAP unbroken 5 PU + 5 T2B


E. Accessory

Band face pull 3x20

GHDSU with MB (20/14) 3x15

BB Good morning 3x8


F. Work Capacity

Run 3x1 mile, rest 3:00