Posts in functional fitness


Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday crew. Take a peek at our new shirts in the store. Feel free to DM us if you have any questions or suggestions. We're in the process of doing new designs and merch, so stay tuned.

As for training today, our Suck Fest today features a lot of work - decreasing running distances but with increasing reps. Keep moving through the work out and keep a good pace.


A. Oly

C+J - 3@80, 2@85, 2@87.5, 3@85, 1@92.5, 2@87.5, 1@97.5, 1@95


B. Saturday Suck Fest

Wearing 20/14# vest

Run 1 mile, 10 KBS (70/53), 10 DB Thruster (50/35), 10 Box jump (30/24)

Run 1200m, 20 KBS (70/53), 20 DB Thruster (50/35), 20 Box jump (30/24)

Run 800m, 30 KBS (70/53), 30 DB Thruster (50/35), 30 Box jump (30/24)

Run 400m, 40 KBS (70/53), 40 DB Thruster (50/35), 40 Box jump (30/24)


C. Accessory

Bench 4x5@80%

DB hammer curl 3x12

Weighted dip 3x12

Yoke carry 5x100' AHAP


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Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. If you haven't checked out the T-shirts yet, feel free to check out our website's store. We're working on getting more designs and items added to the store, so stay tuned. As far as today's training, the work capacity piece today is straight legs. Find the balance between the row and the lunges. 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

OHS - 4@82.5, 2@87.5, 2@92.5, 4@87.5, 2x2@95, 4@92.5

B. Work Capacity

For time: Row 300/250cal

Every 2:00, including 0:00, 8 total double KB overhead lunge (53/35)

C. Interval

AAB 5x 50/40cal, rest 2:00

Compare to week 5

D. Gymnastics

4 RFT, rest 2:00 between rounds

100 DU, 20 HSPU

E. Accessory

Strict T2B 3x10

Bottom up KB press 3x10

Pendlay row 3x6 AHAP


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Functional Fitness


Rest Day, best day. For active recovery, we've got a pool workout. Take the session as a 60-70% effort. The goal is to get the blood flowing and to work on some swimming technique. Don't smoke yourself, or drown. 


Active Recovery

Swim: 10 rds of 100 yards, 15 pushups, 20 lunges (total)


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Functional Fitness


A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.

A. Strength

DL - 4@82.5, 2@87.5, 2@92.5, 4@87.5, 2x2@95, 4@92.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 T2B, 20 min cap

Every 1:00, including 0:00, 30 DU


C. Metcon


Power snatch (115/75), Chest to bar pull up


D. Gymnastics

5 rds, not for time. Goal is unbroken

4 bar MU, 4 C2BPU, 4 PU, 4 T2B


E. Accessory

Single arm landmine row 3x10

BB front rack box step up 3x10

Banded good morning 3x20


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Functional Fitness


Happy Tuesday Crew. The Work Capacity piece today is going to be brutal. Pick a pace that allows you to do quick singles at a consistent pace. Everything else today is self explanatory. Enjoy the work. 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Oly

Snatch - 3@80%, 2@85, 2@87.5, 3@85, 1@92.5, 2@87.5, 1@97.5, 1@95


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 Ground to overhead (135/95), 20 min cap

Every 2:00, including 0:00, 20/15cal row


C. Interval

Run 4x800m, rest 2:00

Compare to week 4


D. Gymnastics

15 EMOM, alternating

4 ring mU, 25 ft HSW, 12 GHDSU


E. Accessory

Bottom up KB Press 3x10

Band pull apart 3x20

Strict T2B 3x10


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Monday. Congrats to everyone who competed this past weekend at the Crossfit Games - very inspiring stuff. Lots of work on the program for today. For the death by HSPU, start with 2, and increase by 2 per minute until you can't finish any more in the allotted minute. Good luck

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

BS - 4@82.5, 2@87.5, 2@92.5, 4@87.5, 2x2@95, 4@92.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 box jump over (30/24"), 20 min cap

Every 1:00, including 0:00, 10 pistols (total)


C. Metcon


Thruster (135/95), bar muscle up


D. Gymnastics

Death by HSPU

Start at 2, every minute increase by 2 reps until unable to complete in minute


E. Accessory

Weighted chin up 3x8

Single leg KB RDL 3x12

BB reverse lunge 3x10


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Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. Grab a buddy for today's Suck Fest, it's a good one. Split up all the movements as needed between teams. Only one person needs to lunge with the plate overhead, so be strategic in breaking it up. All the other movements are up to you on how to split up the work. Don't be a blue falcon. 


A. Oly

C+J - 3@80, 2@85, 2@87.5, 3@85, 1@92.5, 2@87.5, 1@97.5, 1@95


B. Saturday Suck Fest

In buddy teams:

Run 2 miles carrying 20/15# KB

50 rope climbs, 100 pull-ups, 150 WB (30/20), 200 S2O (95/65), 250 squats

Lunge 800m with one person holding 45/25# plate overhead 


C. Accessory

Bench 3x8 @ 75%

Poundstone curl

CG bench 3x12

Sled push 5x100m, AHAP


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Friday crew. Cheers to the weekend. Get after today's training and enjoy the weekend. Nothing crazy on the menu today, but lots of pieces to choose from. Focus on maintaining a consistent pace on the AAB and don't gas out too early

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

OHS - 4@80, 2@85, 2@90, 4@85, 2x2@92.5, 4@90


B. Work Capacity

For time: 50 bar MU, 15 min cap

Every 2:00, including 0:00, 20/14 cal AAB


C. Interval

Row 4x1k, rest 2:00

Compare to week 4


D. Gymnastics

12 min EMOM, alternating

20 pistols, 25' HSW, 20 pull-ups


E. Accessory

Band face pull 3x20

Weighted pull up 3x6

Bottom up KB press 3x10


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Functional Fitness


Rest day, best day. Enjoy the time off and make sure you get after all your recovery work. Eat some good food and get some good rest. Two more training days this week.


Active Recovery

Ruck 1 hour (50/35)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Hump Day. Get after today's training and enjoy the recovery day tomorrow. Nothing crazy today, just a lot of work for the work capacity piece. Keep a steady pace on the step overs and work on keeping a high turn over pace on your DB snatches. 


A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

DL - 4@80, 2@85, 2@90, 4@85, 2x2@92.5, 4@90


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 DB box step over (70/50). 25 min cap

Every 1:00, inclduing 0:00, 5 DB Snatch (70/50)


C. Metcon


10 HSPU, 20 GHDSU, 30 thrusters (65/45)


D. Gymnastics

4 RFT, rest 2:00

50 DU, 25 C2BPU


E. Accessory

Pendlay row 3x6 AHAP

Pegboard ascents 3x2

BB front rack walking lunges 3x10 ea leg


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Tuesday crew. Like the strength work, we're getting progressively heavier on the oly work as well. Focus on good clean reps. Don't be afraid to hold at a lighter weight or go down if you're missing reps. Our main focus is to develop good patterns with heavier weights. As far as the work capacity piece, the shoulder to overhead can be done any way you want - strict press, push press, push jerk, split jerk, squat jerk, whatever your heart desires. Everything else is relatively self explanatory.

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Oly

Snatch - 3@80, 2@85, 2@87.5, 3@85, 1@92.5, 2@87.5, 1@97.5, 1@95


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 S2O (135/95), 20 min time cap

Every break, row 500m


C. Interval

AAB 5x 50/40cal, rest 2:00


D. Gymnastics

For time: 60 HSPU, rest 3:00, 30 HSPU


E. Accessory

Klokov press 3x8

I/Y/T 3x10

Snatch grip RDL 3x8


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Functional Fitness


Happy Monday crew. Welcome to Week #5. We've got 3 weeks left of this cycle before we move on to our next cycle. The upcoming cycle will be mainly strength work and work capacity development. Today's work has a little bit of everything. Enjoy 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

BS - 4@80, 2@85, 2@90, 4@85, 2x2@92.5, 4@90


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 DL (225/165), 25 min time cap

Every 2:30, including 0:00, 400m run


C. Metcon



Squat clean (135/95), Ring dips


D. Gymnastics

For time: 40 MU


E. Accessory

Banded glute ham holds 3x60s

Weighted pistols 3x8

Strict chin up, 3xAMRAP, rest 30s between attempts


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Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday crew. Grab a buddy and enjoy the suck fest today. It's a good one. Split up the work however you want. Also, only one person needs to run with the sandbag. Enjoy utilizing the odd implement, it's a much different stimulus than a normal barbell. 


A. Oly

C+J - 3@77.5, 2@ 87.5, 3@82.5, 2@90, 2@87.5, 1@92.5


B. Saturday Suck Fest

In buddy teams. All movements with 50/35# sandbag

Run 1 mile

100 squats, 100 sandbag cleans, 100 burpees over sandbag, 100 sandbag thrusters

Run 1 mile


C. Accessory

Bench 3x5 @ 80%

Banded bicep curl 3x20

Weighted ring dip 3x10

Farmer carry 5x100' AHAP


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Functional Fitness


Thursday Rest Day. Enjoy the time off and active recovery. Recovery is just as important as training, so make it a part of your weekly training regimen. If you're lucky to be in 1/75, enjoy jumping into Tybee. For everyone else, sucks to suck.


Active Recovery

AAB 45 min, E3MOM 5 burpees, 10 jump squats


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Functional Fitness


Happy Wing Wednesday for all the homies. Crush today's training and crush some wings tonight.  Nothing crazy on the program today but a re-test of 18.3 is optional, but a good way to see if the gymnastics work we've been programming has been working. 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

DL - 6@77.5, 4@82.5, 6@80, 4 @ 85, 6@80, 4@87.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 power snatch (135/95), 20 min time cap

Every minute, including 0:00 8 T2B


C. Metcon

For time: (compare to 18.3)

100 double-unders 20 overhead squats (115/80) 100 double-unders 12 ring muscle-ups 100 double-unders 20 dumbbell snatches (50/30) 100 double-unders 12 bar muscle-ups


D. Gymnastics

5 RFT, rest 90s between rounds. Score is total HSPU.

Row 30/20 cal, max rep HSPU


E. Accessory

Landmine towel row 3x10

Peg board ascents 3x2

Parallete L-sit flutter kick 3x20 ea leg


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