

Functional Fitness


Happy Monday. Welcome to the fourth and final mesocycle of this cycle. For this mesocycle, we're going to add another 10 lbs to the training max. So, for those not good at math, your training max is going to be .90*1RM+30. Use this weight to base all your sets for this week. For the gymnastics work, we're doing death by MU. Go up by reps per minute until you're unable to finish the reps in one minute.

A. Strength

BS 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%


B. Metcon


GHDSU, Pull-up, WB (30/20)


C. Accessory

Good morning 3x6 AHAP

Weighted pullup 3x6

Parallete L-sit 3x30s


D. Gymnastics

Death by ring MU

EMOM 1-2-3... until failure


E. Work Capacity

Row 3x1500m, rest 3:00

Cronus Fit