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Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. We're trying something new for our Suck Fest today. We're using a running clock to time each session. If you aren't able to finish the work in that time, just move on. Generally speaking, you should be able to finish each "piece" with about 3-5 minutes to recover. Feel free to scale the weights as needed in order to maintain the intensity.

A. Strength

Bench 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%


B. Oly

PS + OHS 3+3@60%, 3+3@65%, 3x(3+3)@70%


C. Oly

Clean from blocks (knees) 5x2 @ 75%


D. Saturday Suck Fest

On a running clock:

0:00 - 10:00 : Run 1 mile for time

10:00 - 25:00 : 10 Rounds 15 WB (20/14), 3 DL (315/205)

25:00 - 35:00 : 100/70 cal AAB

35:00 - 45:00 : 3 RFT: 20 KBS (70/53), 50 DU, 20 BJO (24/20)

45:00 - 55:00 : 21-15-9 Hang power clean (135/95), HSPU

55:00 - UTC - Run 1 mile for time


E. Accessory

KB Farmer carry 5x50' AHAP

Barbell curl 3x12

Weighted Dips 3x12