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Functional Fitness


Grab some homies for today's Suck Fest. We've got a 3 man team workout - one person working at a time. Ideally, you want to be pacing this workout as a sprint. The guy that's working should be almost red-lining before swapping out and resting. Keep your movements and transitions quick and efficient. Also, to clarify, for the accessory work, you are going to be dragging a sled backwards (so walk backwards). Load the sled up moderately heavy, but not to the point where you have to stop a bunch. If you have a Rescue Randy or Skedco, feel free to use that instead. 


A. Oly

C+J - 2@85%, 1@87.5, 1@92.5, 2@87.5, 1@95, 1@97.5, 2@90, 1@100


B. Saturday Suck Fest

In teams of 3:

Run 1 mile carrying MB (20/14)

50 bar muscle up

100 HSPU

150 Burpee

200 cal row

250 WB (20/14)

Run 1 mile carrying MB (20/14)


C. Accessory

Bench 5x5 @ 80%

Backwards facing sled drag 5x100m

DB Floor press 3x12

Fat bar bicep curl 3x12


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman