Functional Fitness
Saturday Suck Fest today is an ascending clean and jerk ladder. Follow the rep scheme and choose weights that will be challenging at each set. Enjoy
A. Strength
Tempo OHP (3331) 5x3 @ 75%
B. Saturday Suck Fest
For time:
40 C+J (135/95)
30 C+J (185/135)
20 C+J (225/175)
10 C+J (275/205)
Every 3 minutes: Row 15/12 cal, 10 T2B, 10 box jump (30/24)
C. Strongman
Farmer carry 5x100' AHAP
D. Accessory
Bench 3x5 @ 75%
EZ Bar bicep curl 3x15
Close grip bench 3x12
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman