Functional Fitness
Happy Monday. We're slowly decreasing the tempos and going up in the weight. Hopefully you guys are seeing some improvements in your movement efficiency and overcoming bad positions. We're going to be integrating more pool work, so I would recommend finding a pool nearby that you can use. The goal is to develop aerobic capacity, and there's only so much that you can run per week.
A/D/E mandatory. Choose B or C based on weaknesses and time.
A. Strength
Tempo BS (2221) 5x3 @ 80%
B. Metcon
DL (315/205), Muscle up, Run 200m
C. Gymnastics
12 EMOM, alternating
6 deficit HSPU, 1 pegboard ascent, 20 GHDSU
D. Aerobic conditioning
Swim 1 mile
E. Accessory
Single leg BB RDL 3x10 ea leg
Weighted pistols 3x10 ea leg
Strict T2B 3x10
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman