
Screenshot at Jan 11 12-40-45.png

Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. We’re adjusting our Saturday flow for our Open Prep. We’re taking away our Saturday Suck Fest’s, but we are still going to include a longer metcon (20-30 minute range) instead of our 60+ minute workouts that we usually have on Saturday’s. Pick at least one strength exercise between A and B. Do the Metcon and accessory work. Gymnastics is optional.

Choose one between A+B. C+E mandatory. D optional.


A. Strength

Deadlift 4x5 @75-80%

B. Strength

Push press 10 EMOM, 3 PP @ 70-80%

C. Metcon

For time:

30 deficit HSPU (4/2")
40 deadlift (225/155)
50 AAB cal
60 wallball (30/20)
70 pushups

D. Gymnastics

10 EMOM 25' HSW into 8 HSPU against wall

E. Accessory

BB Z-press 3x8

Barbell curl 3x12

Strict ring dip 3x12


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Cronus Fit