Functional Fitness
Moon’s out, Goon’s out. Two longer metcons today with differing focuses. Barbell cycling or grunt work. Get after your weaknesses and get better today.
A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses and time.
A. Oly
SN EMOM: start at 75% and add 2.5% EMOM
Go until failure/compromised technique
B. Metcon
10 RFT
5 Power Snatch (135/95)
5 OHS (135/95)
C. Metcon
25 cal row
20 KB Snatch (53/35)
15 box jump over (30/24)
D. Work Capacity
Row 4x1k, rest 2:00
E. Accessory
Banded face pull 3x20
Single arm landmine row 3x10 ea arm
Tabata V-up
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