
Functional Fitness


Happy Friday crew. Some good options for the program today in regards to metcons. Good accessories as well working on good movement and positions. Enjoy the weekend

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses and time.


A. Oly

10 EMOM, 2 C+J @75-80%

B. Metcon


30 cal row
30 pistols
30 DB Snatch (50/35)

C. Metcon


2 legless rope climbs
50 WB
2 leg rope climbs

D. Conditioning

AAB 8x 20/15cal Rest 2:00, 90%+ effort

E. Accessory

Bottom up KB Press 3x10

KB Goblet tempo squat (4444), 4x5

Strict HSPU - one max effort set, rest 3 minutes into 5 AMRAP of unbroken sets at 25% of max effort set


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Cronus Fit