Functional Fitness
Happy Monday and welcome to the first week of the CrossFit open. As mentioned last week, Mon/Tues/Wed are normal training days with Monday being a possible re-test day. Today’s training is more of the same workouts that we’ve been using to prep for the Open. Get after it and don’t forget to use #cronusfit in your CrossFit Open profile to be tracked on our leaderboard.
A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.
A. Strength
BS 5x3
Work up to heavy triple
B. Accessory
Single arm KB RDL 3x12
Weighted walking lunge 3x20 ea leg
Strict C2BPU 3x8
C. Metcon
20 cal row
20 T2B
20 DB Snatch (50/35)
D. Interval
12 E3MOM (4 rounds)
Thruster (115/75), bar facing burpees
E. Gymnastics
For time: 30 ring MU
Every break, 10 burpee box jump over (24/20)
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman