

Functional Fitness


And with that, the 2020 Crossfit Open season is over. Stay tuned for some prizes for you guys that participated in the open this year. With that, we’ve got the return of our Saturday Suck Fests. This week is in honor of Veterans Day - 11 rounds of goodness. Enjoy it.

Pick one from A/B. C/D mandatory.


A. Oly

10 EMOM1 power clean and power jerk

B. Strength

OHP 4x8

C. Saturday Suck Fest

Veterans Day

11 RFT
11 bar facing burpee
11 thruster (95/65)
11 box jump over (24/20)
11 power clean (135/95)
11 burpee pull-up
11 deadlift (225/135)
Run 400m

D. Accessory

Weighted dips 3x8

Barbell curl 3x15

Farmer carry 5x50' AHAP


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit