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Functional Fitness


Today’s suck fest is a great one. We did a workout similar to this one earlier in the year. The key is to keep your transition times low. Don’t waste time between reps/rounds and stay efficient as every second will add up significantly over 100 rounds. Grab some buddies and share the misery.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

100 RFT

1 strict pull-up
2 power clean (135/95)
3 bar facing burpees

B. Strength

OHP 4x10@60%

C. Accessory

DB Bench 3x10
Strict ring dip 3x10
Barbell curl 3x15

D. Odd object

5 rounds, rest as needed between rounds

1:00 max distance sandbag bearhug carry (150/100)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman