Functional Fitness
A couple interval pieces to choose from today. The goal for interval pieces is to push the pace and see how you can recover.
A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.
A. Oly
Tempo pause Snatch + 2 OHS (3 second pull to hi-hang position, then Snatch from hi-hang into 2 second pause in hole) 6x2
B. Accessory
I/Y/T 3x10
Weighted box step up 3x10 ea leg
Strict pull-up 3x12
C. Conditioning
10 rounds, rest :30s between rounds
20/16 cal row
10 OHS (95/65)
D. Interval
5x3 AMRAP, rest 1:00, continue where you left off
200m run
8 thruster (95/65)
8 bar facing burpees
E. Gymnastics
10 EMOM, alternating
3-5 ring MU
30 air squats
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman