Functional Fitness
We’re trying to keep the workouts varied and interesting for you guys, but it’s hard to have a “varied” exercise selection when we’re limited by our equipment and resources. So apologies if the workouts start blending into each other. Regardless, make sure you guys are hitting all the pieces.
A. Strength
A1. Banded pendlay row 4x20
A1. Strict pull-up 4x12
A1. Single arm bent over row 4x15 (ea arm)
A1. KB windmill 4x10 (ea arm)
B. Conditioning
36 min E6MOM (6 rounds)
Row/ski 1k, 20 push-ups, 20 V-ups, 20 KB swings
C. Metcon
100m run
20 alternating DB snatch (50/35)
15 situps
20 DB hang clean and jerk (50/35, switch every 5)
15 air squats
#covid19 #cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman