
Functional Fitness


Today’s metcon is a long chipper of similar movements. Don’t get fooled by the small sets at the beginning, it’ll quickly add up.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Oly

Snatch 1x3@60%, 2x3@70%, 2x3 @ 80%, 2x3@85%

B. Accessory

Snatch grip pendlay row 3x8
Bottom up KB press 3x12 (ea arm)
Weighted ring dip 3x12

C. Conditioning

30 min EMOM for max reps (10 rds, alternating)
14/12 cal AB
6-8 Devils press (50/35)

D. Metcon

For time:
3 rounds
3 bar MU
6 thruster (135/95)
9 DB hang clean and jerk (50/35)
2 rounds
9 pull up
12 thruster (115/75)
15 alternating DB snatch (50/35)
1 rounds
15 C2BPU
18 thruster (95/65)
21 single arm DB devils press (50/35)

E. Gymnastics

Death by deficit HSPU
1-2-3... (4/2")


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Cronus Fit