Functional Fitness
Today’s Suck Fest is a serious test of your grit. The movements are all cardio intensive so you should take small sets with short rests. If you want to do it with a partner, add 50% to the movements (3k row, 75 reps).
A. Saturday Suck Fest
For time
2k row
50 DB squat clean thruster (2x50/35's)
2k row
50 DB devils press
2k row
50 DB box step over (24/20")
2k row
B. Hypertrophy
B1. OHP 4x12
B1. Bent over BB row 4x12
C. Accessory
C1. BB curl 3x12
C1. Weighted dip 3x10
C1. Feet elevated pushups 3x15
C1. Hollow hold 3x:30s
D. Odd object
Trap bar farmer carry 5x100' (AHAP)
Rest as needed
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman