

Functional Fitness


It’s Saturday, so you all know what that means - time for our Saturday Suck Fest. This week we’ve got a big ascending/descending chipper. Keep moving through the work and keep chipping away at the reps.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

For time:

20 burpee bar muscle up
40 Devils press (50/35)
80 wall ball (20/14)
160 cal row
80 WB (20/14)
40 Devils press (50/35)
20 burpee bar MU

B. Hypertrophy

B1. Seated DB press 4x10
B1. Banded face pull 4x20

C. Accessory

C1. DB Hammer curl 4x15
C1. Banded curl 4x20
C2. Banded tricep pushdown 4x20
C2. Strict bar dip 4x10

D. Odd object

5 rounds, not for time

Sled push 5x100', AHAP


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Cronus Fit