

Functional Fitness


Happy Monday. We’re onto week #13. 2 more weeks of hypertrophy work left in this mesocycle before we transition into some tempo work. For the sandbag squat today in A, hold the sandbag in a bearhug and do a loaded squat that way. Enjoy the different stimulus.

A/B mandatory. Pick one from C/D/E.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. Sandbag squat 5x12
A1. Single leg KB RDL 5x12 ea leg

B. Accessory

B1. BB Backrack rear lunge 3x12 ea leg
B1. Banded hip thrust 3x20
B2. Strict T2B 3x12
B2. Reverse hyper 3x12

C. Conditioning

30 min AAB for max cals

D. Work Capacity


22 cal row
22 WB (20/14)
22 box jump over (24/20)
22 thruster (75/55)
22 push press (75/55)

E. Gymnastics

10 min of handstand walk practice


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Cronus Fit