
Functional Fitness


As we mentioned last week, hopefully you guys have stocked up or figured out some training implements to lift. Today, we’ve got a sandbag workout and a KB workout. Today’s strength piece is meant to be done as a “giant set”, so keep the transition times low and rest as needed between sets.


A. Strength

A1. Unsupported DB/KB single arm bent over row (pause at top) 4x8 (ea arm)
A1. Kneeling banded single arm face pull 4x20 (ea arm)
A1. Strict C2BPU 4x10
A1. Banded curl 4x25

B. Conditioning

30 min E3MOM (10 rounds)
Run 400m
10 sandbag cleans (50/35)

C. Metcon

27 KB Swing
18 KB goblet squat
9 burpee facing KB


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Cronus Fit