
Functional Fitness


Today’s conditioning piece is a throwback to the RAW 300m shuttle run event. You’ll get a decent break in between reps, so push the pace. The metcon today is a nice shoulder burner. Have fun with it.


A. Strength

A1. Single arm suitcase deadlift 4x15 (ea side)
A1. Banded RDL 4x20
A2. Cossack squat 4x15 (ea side)
A2. Banded clamshells 4x15 (ea side)

B. Conditioning

30 min E3MOM (10 rounds)
300m shuttle sprint (25m lengths)

C. Metcon

5x4 AMRAP, rest 2:00 between
10 single arm devils press (alternating, 50/35)
5 wall walks
20 DB hang clean and jerk (switch every 5, 50/35)


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Cronus Fit