
Functional Fitness


Hope everyone’s feeling like they’re starting to get back into the groove. We’ve got one more week of “working back”. We’re going to have a test week next week in order to get some baseline strength numbers to start our strength cycle. For the metcon, scale so that you’re able to do all the movements unbroken. For the interval piece, start at the beginning of each interval. The goal is to finish the triplet.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Strength

Back squat 4x8

B. Accessory

Single leg RDL 3x10 (ea leg)
Weighted pistol 3x8 (ea leg)
Strict T2B 3x10

C. Conditioning

5k run for time

D. Metcon

9 thruster (95/65)
9 pull-up
18/16 cal row

COVID alternative

9 DB thruster (2x50/35's)
9 pull-up
200m run

E. Interval

4x3 AMRAP, rest 2:00 - start at the top each round
20/16 cal AAB
20 KB Swing (70/53)
20 hand release pushups


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Cronus Fit