Functional Fitness
Hump Day. Hopefully you guys are enjoying the open prep work. Keep the intensity up and focus on quality of movements as we transition into the Open.
A. Strength
10 min EMOM
3 thrusters - work up to heavy triple from the ground
B. Accessory
BB RDL + Shrug 3x10
Single arm bent over row 3x12
Kneeling banded Paloff press 3x20
C. Metcon
For time:
50 OHS (75/55)
100 DU
50 hang power Snatch (75/55)
100 DU
50 squat snatch (75/55)
D. Interval
5 rounds, rest 2:00 between
20 box jump over
15 squat clean (115/75)
10 ring dips
E. Conditioning
Row/ski 4x1k, rest 2:00
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman