Functional Fitness
We’re back. Be wary of the chipper for today’s Suck Fest. The reps will add up very fast, so make sure you’re being intelligent with your rep scheme and strategy.
A. Saturday Suck Fest
With partner, split reps as needed
50 deadlift (135/95)
100 cal AAB
50 hang power clean (135/95)
100 cal AAB
50 front squat (135/95)
100 cal AAB
50 squat clean thruster (135/95)
100 cal AAB
50 squat snatch (135/95
B. Strength
Bench 4x8
C. Accessory
BB curl 4x12
Strict dip 4x12
Banded face pull 4x20
D. Odd Object
Farmer carry 5x100' AHAP
#covid19 #cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman