Functional Fitness
Welcome to week 13 of our open prep cycle. We’re getting down to the last couple weeks, so keep pushing. The first metcon is a nice pacing piece to work on figuring out your pacing over a wide range of reps. The interval piece is meant to train sustainability over higher rep ranges. You’ll be able to hit 1+ rounds in the beginning few rounds, but expect it to drop as the reps get higher. For the gymnastics piece, choose a rep range that you can do unbroken for the bar MU’s.
A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.
A. Strength
Back squat 4x8 @ 60-70%
B. Accessory
Single leg KB RDL 3x10
KB front rack box step up 3x12 ea leg
Strict T2B 3x10
C. Metcon
For time (10-12 min)
Alternating DB squat snatch (50/35)
Lateral burpee over DB
D. Interval
4x3 AMRAP, rest 2:00 between (~1 round per round)
10 box jump over (24/20)
10 deadlift (225/155)
Increase reps by 2 each round (10-12-14-16)
E. Gymnastics
10 EMOM, alternating
3-6 bar MU
12 strict ring dip
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